Quisqueya Hosting
Quisqueya Web Hosting Services
Dedicated Servers

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When you want the highest in performance without other web sites affecting the performance or uptime of your own, the best option is to make the small investment in your own server. Instead of paying for the purchase of the hardware, installation of all the operating system and server software, and a high speed connection, we can build you your own server for just one single small monthly fee.

Depending on what you need, you will want to choose between the following options:

Cobalt RaQ
If you have a single or small number of domains, this will give you a turn-key option to getting your site up on its own server. Easy administration through a web-based interface, just as simple as a normal virtual hosting account but with full unrestricted control over the server settings.
Unix Server
This is the choice of people who may be looking to host a high traffic site, or offer web hosting services. These servers can cope with a large number of sites and users. They are very cost effective to setup and run.
Windows NT Server
Using the same hardware as the Unix server, these allow people who need to use functions such as databases, ASP, or high-end server programs. It is ideal for hosting Frontpage-created sites and turn-key e-commerce solutions.
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