Quisqueya Hosting
Quisqueya Web Hosting Services
Reseller Features

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With each domain you resell (only $10/month each) you can advertise the following features on your site (you are free to customize a copy of our own professionally designed site if you wish).
Disk Space 150mb
POP3 Email Accounts 25
Web-Based Control Panel Yes
Email Autoresponder Robots Unlimited
Email Aliases Unlimited
Mailing Lists Unlimited
Data Transfer/Hits Unlimited
Anonymous FTP Yes
Domain Name (www.yourname.com) Yes
Unique IP Address Yes
Customizable 404 File Not Found page Yes
Telnet Account Yes
Frontpage 98 Extensions Yes
Graphical Stats Yes
Full CGI-BIN Support Yes
Daily Tape Backup Yes
Priority Technical Support Yes
Password Protected Directories Yes

You can then charge what price you like for this package. You appear to own your own servers, and account cannot be traced back to us. To bill your customers, you can use an existing credit card processing account you have, accept payment by check, or we recommend iBill who can process payments easily for you with no setup or monthly fees.